Sunday, February 13, 2005

McInsanity At The Golden Arches

McDonald's has agree to pay $8.5 million to settle a lawsuit over trans-fats in cooking oil. $7 million with go to the American Heart Association and 1.5 million will go to an public education program. Fox's story, NZ version.

It's about time the companies started taking responsibility for their actions. these companies have been taking advantage of the public for too long. Stan, you are so predictable. No one forced anyone to eat at McDonald's as far as I know. no they didn't but mcdonald's knew they were selling a harmful product.

I predicted this after the tobacco lawsuits. These money hungry laywers are going to go after every industry trying to make themselves a lot of money. john, you and your republican friends want to keep protecting your big corporate campaign contributors at the expense of doing what's right. Is it right for companies to be responsible for someone misusing their product? What if a kid plays his iPod on full blast for 4 weeks straight, is Apple to blame? Where is the common sense? There needs to be accountability for the actions of these mega-corporations, this is a good first start.

With the settlement of this lawsuit will other fast-food chains be sued? Time will tell.


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